Parker celebrated his first 4th of July! We did a whole lotta notta and it was great!!! We did a little swimming...a LITTLE napping...some cleaning...and that might be about it! My mom came over Sunday afternoon and we (Scott) cooked dinner and hung out. It was great to see her because she had been out of town all week in Missouri working on her PhD school work stuff. I sure did miss her! We did get to watch NYC's fireworks on TV which were incredible! Then of course around 9:30pm the fireworks in our neighborhood started going off and let me tell you...the dogs are NOT fans of fireworks!!
This 4th tooth of Parker's is quite the killer for all of us! The first 3 teeth came in so quick that he hardly had any time at all to be fussy! This one is taking it's sweet time and making my little man miserable! We've tried anything and everything from teething tablets, Motrin, Tylenol, our own fingers for him to chew on, teething name it! He absolutely HATES anything cold, so frozen teething rings or washcloths aren't an option. Poor little buddy! I think it's about to break the skin literally any second, so hopefully it will SOONER rather than later!!!
I hope everyone had a great 4th of July and stayed safe! I promise to learn how to post pictures soon! I've tried and it hasn't worked yet, but at least I'm working on it! HA HA!
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