I honestly can't believe I just wrote that, but it's true....Parker is 7 months old!!! WOW time has flown by! I'm soooo glad that he has outgrown certain things, but miss some of the little baby things too!!! He constantly amazes us and we are having such a blast with him at this stage! Parker just laughs and laughs, talks nonstop (lots of da, ma, ra, ba, etc), and his favorite lately is a very high-pitched screech! That's fun for all and he really thinks it's hilarious (especially in public)!!! He's not crawling just yet, but I don't think it will be long. Honestly, I think he might just skip the whole crawling thing and go straight to running!!! He's quite the busy little man and would MUCH rather be standing than sitting!
As he was squirming around the floor the other night, he found Charlie's (our male yellow lab) tail! He had the grandest time with it....Charlie, however, not so much! Charlie took it for a little bit, but then was over it. He got some good video of it too! It was hilarious! Then there's our female lab, Delta. She is in LOVE with Parker! Each morning we tell Delta, "Let's go get the baby." She immediately runs upstairs, sits and waits outside his bedroom door until we let her in, then jumps up on the side of his crib and stares in. It's the cutest thing ever!! Once we lift him out, we have to bend over and let Delta give a little kiss to Parker. She stays at our feet while we change him and get him ready! If he's in his swing and we tell her to "go check on your baby," she will run over and give him a few kisses....sometimes a few too many! He thinks it's hilarious and just watches both dogs constantly!!!
Again, like I always promise....I'll post pictures ASAP. Our computer is from the 1920's it feels like sometimes, so it doesn't really cooperate! He's so much fun to show off and quite the "lady's man," so I can't wait to post pictures!!!
Do you know you can post video too??? It would be fun to see the tail game!